
Your support will help get Ukrainians to safety, provide temporary shelter and offer whole families a new start.

If you are able to donate and support our work then a big thank you from everyone at BHSU.

How you can donate

You can either donate via our Crowdfunder page.

Or you can send your donation via bank transfer using the details below.

Bank transfer

Please include the reference: Refugees

Account name: BHSU

Account number: 30827116

Sort code: 56-00-05

IBAN: GB45NWBK56000530827116


Address: 27 Portland Square, Bristol, BS2 8SA

Bank name: National Westminster Bank plcBank branch: 45 / 49 Broadmead Bristol BS1 3EU

Thank you for any help you are willing to give. If you are able to set up a monthly standing order, it will help us to provide ongoing support for those fleeing war and provide more opportunities to Ukrainians as they work to rebuild their lives in the UK.