Help us to help Ukrainians handle hard times

The Ukrainian people have already shown the world their strength against tyranny. Let’s add to that power by uniting to help them find safety and a new start in the UK.

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What we need in the world is not charity; what we need is humanity

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Host a Ukrainian family or individual
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Provide learning opportunities for children
Help Ukrainians to get back in the workforce
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Direct support for displaced Ukrainians
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Urgent appeal:
trauma-sensitive yoga

Your donation to our trauma-sensitive yoga programme will help Ukrainian communities begin to heal from the trauma of war.
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Get Inspired by Real Stories

Anhelina and Caroline

Angelina spent the summer with teacher Caroline. After losing her father, the teenager enjoyed a month of laughter and learning English.

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Anna and Valya

Anna and Valya helped a group of Ukrainian children travel to the UK so they could take part in Summer Schools.

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Sofiya Kravchenko

28-year-old Sofiya left her hometown of Irpin when war broke out. She travelled to Chippenham, Wiltshire where her sponsor, Ruth, gave her…

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Bathsheba Wells Dion
English Teacher and EAL Lead Teacher, Bristol Cathedral Choir School

BHSU has been invaluable in supporting our school meetings with parents and students. They have helped to make our refugee families feel welcome and supported at school – we could not have done this without them.

Sarah Pritchard

BHSU have not only provided us with amazing translation services but have also been a vital partner helping us to reach out to young Ukrainians in Bristol. They have played a pivotal role in the success of our two course that we have run for Ukrainian young people, going above and beyond to ensure the community knew about our services but also were able to access and enjoy the programmes.